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a review of the year i didn't survive by bess stillman and how our past changes us forever
posted: February 15, 2025
draft 6: definitions chapter 2: kindness
posted: February 14, 2025
draft 6: definitions chapter 1: love let's start to get some things straight
posted: February 08, 2025 (Updated: 02/09/2025)
Poetry Publishing my personal poetry
posted: 11/22/2023 (Updated: 2/07/2025)
draft 5: How to make weed coffee creamer important mid-act break to talk about something that seems totally irrelevant
posted: February 03, 2025 (Updated: 2/8/2025)
draft 4: power 1 - convincing someone to do something the next chapters will probably be about control and responsibility
posted: February 01, 2025
Farewell to Arkansas St a farewell letter to the best apartment I have ever had
posted: 1/07/2024 (Updated: 1/30/2025)
rough draft 3: you are going to have to do it alone you are the only person who can swim under the iceberg
posted: October 26, 2024
rough draft 2: falling in love by being radically honest chapter 2 is where we realize it's not a normal book about productivity
posted: August 29, 2024
A quick teardown of the NES Zapper Lightgun A quick teardown of the NES Zapper Lightgun, mostly as a love letter to the geniuses who built this and a girl I will always love
posted: April 26, 2024
How to add Currently Playing to your homepage A code snippet to add a based currently playing section to your personal site
posted: February 05, 2024
rough draft 1: is it possible to start anywhere that isn’t the beginning? essay 1 - should we even get started?
posted: February 02, 2024
Shirtbot It's a slack bot that makes shirts
posted: August 01, 2021
I feel stuck in the the engineering for engineers trap If you aren't an engineer please read this and reach out, I'd love to chat
posted: June 20, 2021
Unwritten Coding Standards: Function Ordering A standard for how you should order functions in files to increase the consistency of your code bases
posted: May 15, 2021
Designing a guitar with hot-swappable pickups I made a custom guitar with hot-swappable pickups
posted: May 02, 2021
How to design a motherboard for your electronics project - Part 2 Designing a motherboard for your project is a great second step when developing an electronics project. This is the guide I wish existed when I got started doing this.
posted: April 25, 2021
How to design a motherboard for your electronics project - Part 1 Designing a motherboard for your project is a great second step when developing an electronics project. This is the guide I wish existed when I got started doing this.
posted: February 21, 2021
Caffstat Beta Caffstat is the first Hackable Home Thermostat
posted: February 20, 2021
v2 Updates to my HomeKit Thermostat Making my thermostat project into something I can actually use every day
posted: December 31, 2020


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The Mountain in the Sea
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Normal People
really liked it
I don’t know what to say really. I enjoyed this style of inner monologue, it matches my own. I was not a fan of the ending but I guess it served the purpose. Really made me think about the cycles and stories I’ve caught myself in.

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Mikey's bookshelf: to-read

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Good morning dear reader, my name is Mike. I am a Engineer / Entrepreneur living in the SF Bay Area. I love working with smart people to solve hard problems. This blog is more on the personal side, and is designed as an outlet for some of my more personal projects.

I am always happy to chat about anything, feel free to reach out to me at

Let's Get Coffee

I would love to buy you coffee, whoever you are, just as long as you are willing to have a conversation with me about whatever random thing is on my mind. Reach out, you won't be sorry.
