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draft 6: definitions chapter 1: love

okay i’ve decided to start writing out my definitions of things so that we can all be on the same page going forward.

to be clear: I believe that a shared definition is significantly more important than having a correct definition. To this end, these are not intended to be anything more than very well defined and specific starting points that we can define for these specific words. This will make more sense once you start reading them.

Definition 1: Love

Recently I wrote:

Sometimes we let other people make choices that change our lives. Maybe that’s what love is. Allowing other people to change our life

Which I think defines a clear definition of love. Not just romantic love but all love. I think to love someone is to allow them to change you. It’s saying: I trust you enough that I will become a different person because of you. I trust that you will push me into a direction that I want to go. I am going to have to live with the consequences of your actions, and I am okay with that.

To me this is a clear definition because it seems to capture all of the ways that I love people in my life.

Some kinds of love are familial. Family love is saying: no matter what, I will bend my life if you need me to. We are placed on this earth with these people, and they are our responsibility forever. (side note: the definition of responsibility is a future topic.) We do whatever it takes, and in that way we love them.

Sometimes love is the trust of a friend. Our friends trust us to help them become better people. The people I am closest with in my life have my best interests at heart. All of your friends want to see you succeed.

Sometimes we love our coworkers, our comrades. We go to battle together. We rely on them to do their part. They rely on us. If we do something stupid, get ourselves fired, we hurt them. And because they loved us, their life is worse.

Some kinds of love are romantic. I am happy to entangle you in the every day of my life. I would love to sit with you in a dentists office. Drive you to your workout. Also let’s get breakfast sometime? I finally went to plow for the first time, and honestly it’s not bad.

Love is lasting. The people I have loved I will always love. When we reconnect it will feel the same. Our lives will probably crash into each other again. When that happens I’ll let you change my life again, and you’ll let me change yours.

And sometimes we love ourselves. We let the soft animal of our body love what it loves. We find our place in the family of things. I don’t know I’m no expert really

I love you, whoever you are. I’ll always love you

honestly i just wrote this because my horoscope yesterday said: Dos: Love Letters and who am I to argue with the universe. It got me this far